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HomeOnline General6 Ways Business Owners Can Lessen Eye Strain While At Work

6 Ways Business Owners Can Lessen Eye Strain While At Work

Lessen Eye Strain: Being in the world of business and office work also mean long, grueling hours spent in front of a smartphone, a laptop, tablet, or a computer. Either way, the continuous exposure to gadgets’ lights can harm or degrade one’s vision.

What are the common causes of eye discomfort while at work? First is the glare of the screens plus the poor quality of the lens. Second is the poor lighting in some offices and workplaces.

Lucky for you, this article shows the different ways to Lessen Eye Strain.

#1: Get Frequent Eye Check-Ups

Checkups don’t necessarily apply to eye problems alone because, according to ttdeye, trips to the doctor help determine eye problems even before it worsens. Also, if business workers think that sitting in front of a computer seems harmless, the damage happens with repeated exposure of the eyes to the screen’s light. The doctor will give a series of tests that can help determine if workers have problems in focusing, reading texts from afar, and so much more.

#2: Ensure Excellent Workplace Lighting

The lighting of a workplace can negatively affect a worker’s eyesight. If the light is too dim or dark, this strains the eyes in such a way that it has a hard time focusing on the texts or pictures. On the other hand, if the light is too bright, this also strains due to the same reason: a hard time focusing while reading or viewing documents. However, if business owners’ tables get positioned near windows, make sure there are drapes or window blinds that can aid in reducing and controlling the amount of sun that enters the workspace.

#3: Change The Gadget Or Monitor’s Screen

Old models of computers, unfortunately, have a glitch called flickering. This occurrence can cause eye strain in an instant, despite users saying that it’s unnoticeable. If the computer you’re using is that of an old model (cathode ray tube), you should change the refresh rate and make it the highest possible setting. However, if you’re lucky enough to have a new monitor, opt for the bigger screens with options that allow you to adjust the resolution.

Lessen Eye Strain
Lessen Eye Strain

#4: Tweak The Computer’s Settings

Changing the computer’s settings can do wonders for eye care. Here are some settings you can adjust:

  • Text size: one of the significant causes of Lessen Eye Strain is trying to read documents and texts that have miniature sizes and fonts. Make sure to enlarge the font size for a better reading experience.
  • Brightness: as mentioned earlier, the intensity can have effects on one’s eyes, and it doesn’t stop with the room’s lighting. A screen’s brightness is also harmful to the eyes, mainly if the worker uses the computer for a long time.
  • Contrast: it’s easier to create documents without additional eye stress when the letters are bold and black on a white background.

#5: Do Eye Exercises

Like any part of the body, the eyes also need to exercise. This activity is essential to lessen eye muscle fatigue. For starters, here are two simple exercises:

  •  Look at a distant object and practice focusing on that object every 20 minutes. The item should be approximately 20 feet away, and you should focus on it for at least 20 seconds. 
  • Focus on a distant object for 15 seconds, and then focus on a near object for another 15 seconds. 

Both exercises can significantly reduce the chances of developing dry eyes.

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#6: Vamp Up Your Office Space

Changing a few elements in your workspace can do more good than not trying to change anything at all. You can start by replacing that old desk lamp that you’ve had for several years, or you can buy a new chair that gives you proper posture. Whatever it is you deem necessary to help strengthen your eyes, do it.

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