5 Reasons Why Undergraduates Should Do Research

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5 Reasons Why Undergraduates Should Do Research

As the education systems grow more and more competitive around the world, the need for young students to learn how to conduct proper research has become crucial. No matter what subject you study, having the ability to research any given topic before creating your essay or paper on it is what helps you stand out. While the importance of research is very well-known at the doctoral level, students often underestimate the value of undergraduate research.

Engaging yourself in good practices regarding research while you are in college helps you in many ways. Not only can you produce an excellent research paper but can also train yourself to do more extensive fact-finding later on in your career or studies. In order to help you appreciate the importance of good research at the undergraduate level, here are five reasons why undergraduates should conduct research in school.

Students Should Explore Career Opportunities

1. Exploring Career Opportunities

Something that many students experience in college is confusion about which career they would like to pursue. There are so many possible opportunities that it can get very overwhelming to think about what they are going to do once they graduate. By engaging in some undergraduate research students can figure out the line to work they wish to follow.

They can even use various undergraduate research opportunities to work alongside professionals from their favorite field to get a better idea about it and also to make connections for the future. And when they actually learn more about their selected field, they can make a more informed decision about their future goals.

2. Improving Resumes and Acquiring Transferable Skills

Working on a well-thought-out research project can also help students gather the research experience that employers are looking for. The kind of hands-on research skills that students get when they complete such projects is what many employers want to see on the applicants’ resumes. So, when students know how to come up with new ideas based on their research and how to solve problems, their resumes become much more attractive to recruiters.

Not only that but when students explore research projects, they can also end up acquiring new skills that they can later teach to others. Such transferable knowledge helps them stand out even more from the sea of applicants in the professional world. If a student can demonstrate that they have something that they could teach others in the workplace, they are more likely to find themselves a job offer.

3. Learning to Publicly Share and Defend Ideas

Student researchers often speak about their work or ideas in front of their university faculty members. That’s great, but the real exposure of being able to speak about ideas and then defending them comes when you are able to do so in public. That is why students should do undergraduate research that they can present to others, outside of their academic campus. Many majors require them to conduct such projects that have to be presented to specific people or groups. This is one of the most helpful things a student can learn because it gives them the faculty to advocate for their work on public forums and not just in front of a faculty member.

4. Improving Chances to get into Graduate School

Another good reason for every undergraduate who is interested in pursuing further studies to conduct research projects is to improve their chances of being accepted into professional school. Working on research projects improves the critical thinking abilities of an undergraduate as well as teaching them more about their selected discipline. Their favorite academic institute is more likely to consider their application more seriously if they have a demonstrable understanding of their selected course.

And this is something undergraduate research can really help them achieve. Such initiatives that they take on their own, in an attempt to gain new knowledge or share new information with others, are what makes them more impressive as future professionals and world leaders. And these are aspects of a person’s personality that higher education institutions value quite a lot these days.

5. Making a Difference in the World

An undergraduate might think that their research will be good only to help them get through their education, but that is not always true. The innovative solutions that an undergraduate can often come up with in their research can make a real difference in the world.

They can provide the information they have gained to other research bodies, giving them new knowledge from a different perspective. They can partner with different institutions and play their part in more global research, whether they are a physics major or another science major. Sometimes, an undergraduate project itself can become a source of motivation or basis for a larger project that has a significant impact on the world.

Undergraduate research can make a real difference in the world


The educational experience of today is much different from what it used to be even a decade ago. Undergraduate programs are becoming more and more demanding and institutions for higher education are asking for much more than taking part in creative activities apart from educational ones.

Today, any student who wants to truly stand out in the world of limited job opportunities and tough selection criteria for higher education needs to focus a lot on performing research activities right from the undergraduate level. It doesn’t matter which faculty you are studying in or what your preferred program is, if you conduct some good research projects, you will very easily stand out and also may be able to make an actual difference in the world with your knowledge.

This article has been written by Samantha Lane, a professional writing expert at papersowl.com. She has been engaged in performing research activities since she was an undergraduate herself. She has also successfully partnered with various research bodies that make global impacts. Now, she offers training to young undergraduates regarding research activities and motivates them to explore new ideas.

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